Nous remercions tous ceux qui directement ou indirectement nous ont fait profiter de leurs informations sur les localisations des plantes en France ou à l’étranger.
We thank all those who directly or indirectly have shared their information on the location of plants in France or abroad.
Jean-Pierre Amardeilh, Zissis Antonopoulos, Stephanie Baumann, Laurent Bessol, Jeanine Bize, Christophe et Vincent Boillat, Jacques Bry, Olivier Cabanne, Antoni Canals, Isabelle Colin-Tocquaine, Jean-Marc Corbeil, Francis Daboneville, Daniel Da Costa, Lionel Cuzacq-Laborde, Filippo D'Alonzo, Frédéric Debruille, Terry Dunham, Louis Ferriès, Wolfram Foelsche, Lucien Francon, Olivier et Martine Gerbaud, Gilles Grobel, François Gros d'Aillon, Jacques Guinberteau, Ron Hanko, Nicolas Helitas, Kathy Hunter, Gérard et Nicole Joseph, Bastien Juge, Eliane et Pierre-André Kuenzi, Elena Kulebyakina, Marie-jo Lamarque, Guy Lamaurt, Mark Larocque, Maylis Lartigau Ducos, Roger et Marinette Leconte, Jean-Marc Lewin, David Mac Adoo, Claude Marion, Jean-Pierre Maurel, Jean-Pierre Mazard, George Missetzis, Michel Nicole, Mike Oliver and The Friends of Manea Park, Benoit Outrey, Aline Palmato, Giampaolo Picone, Michel et Annie Pinaud, Claude Portier, Raymond Prothero, Josette Puyo, Hervé Ramone, Gérard Reynaud, Thomas Romanoff, Jean-François Rouffet, Ben Rostron, Pantelis Saliaris, Luis Salvador, Fotis Samaritakis, Hugo Santacreu, Rémy Souche, André Soulié, Alain Tandé, Mikel Tapia Arriada, Jean-François Tisserand, Olivier Tourillon, Daniel et Françoise Vizcaino, Helmuth Zelesny.
23.03.25 |
Photo of the month, Op. marzuola (5), Op. virescens (2) |
418 |
5432 |
15.02.25 |
Photo of the month (H. robertianum) |
418 |
5426 |
26.01.25 |
Photo of the month (H. robertianum), Région Gruissan (2) |
418 |
5426 |
23.12.24 |
Photo of the month (Op. speculum) |
418 |
5424 |
27.10.24 |
Région Le plateau de Leucate. New photos (2) |
418 |
5424 |
21.09.24 |
Photo of the month. New photos of S. spiralis (4) |
418 |
5423 |
17.08.24 |
Voyages Tenerife, Photo of the month (E. aphyllum) |
418 |
5419 |
03.08.24 |
New photos of E. aphyllum (1), Epi. leptochila (3) |
416 |
5387 |
18.07.24 |
Photo of the month, new photos of C. viride (2), D. alpestris (1), E. distans (new page), E. rhodanensis (5), G. conopsea (1), G. corneliana (1), G. rhellicani (4), Or. ovalis (1), P. albida (2), Pla. bifolia (3), T. globosa (1) |
416 |
5384 |
02.07.24 |
New photo of G. austriaca, Dact. savogiensis |
415 |
5371 |
24.06.24 |
Photo of the month, new photo of G. gabasiana |
415 |
5369 |
16.06.24 |
New photos of Ana. fragrans (1), Orchis langei (1) |
415 |
5369 |
10.06.24 |
New photos of Cyp. calceolus (3), Dact. incarnata (4), Dact. sambucina (2), E. microphylla (5), Op. apifera (5), Op. fuciflora (6), Op. gresivaudanica (2) |
415 |
5366 |
29.05.24 |
New photos of Ana. papilionacea expansa (1), L. abortivum (1), L. trabutianum (5), Or. ovalis (1), S. parviflora (2), S. vomeracea (1) |
415 |
5348 |
28.05.24 |
New photos of Op. apifera (1), Op. drumana (6), Op. ficalhoana (1), Op. fuciflora (7), Op. insectifera (4), Op. magniflora (1), Op. speculum (1), Or. militaris (1), Or. provincialis (1), Or. spitzelii (3) |
415 |
5342 |
15.05.24 |
Photo of the month. New photos of Neo. ustulata (2), Neo. tridentata (3), Regions Corbières (2) |
415 |
5328 |
05.05.24 |
New photos of Ana. laxiflora (1), Op. passionis (1), Op. picta (1), Op. bombyliflora (1), Op. lutea (1) |
415 |
5326 |
25.04.24 |
New photos of Op. ficalhoana (1), Op. lutea (1), Op. tenthredinifera (1), Op.vasconica (1), Or. anthropophora (1), Or. olbiensis (3), Ser. vomeracea (3), Ana. morio (3), Neo. lactea (1), Neo. ustulata (1) |
415 |
5324 |
23.04.24 |
New photos of Or. langei (3), Op. atlantica (2), Op. picta (2), Op. algarvensis (1), Op. vernixia (4) |
415 |
5313 |
24.03.24 |
New photos of Op. scolopax (1), Op. bilunulata x lutea |
415 |
5310 |
17.03.24 |
Photo of the month. New photo of Op. marzuola (2), Op. massiliensis (4) |
415 |
5310 |
25.02.24 |
Régions, Gruissan et le massif de La Clape : H. robertianum |
415 |
5306 |
20.02.24 |
New page : H. tridactylites, new photos of G. diphylla (4) |
415 |
5305 |
17.02.24 |
New page : H. metlesicsianum |
414 |
5300 |
08.02.24 |
Photo of the month (H. metlesicsianum) |
413 |
5293 |
Dec. 23 |
Regions - Gruissan : New photo (1) |
413 |
5293 |
Nov. 23 |
Photo of the month (H. robertianum), new photo of Plateau de Leucate (1) |
413 |
5293 |
Sep. 23 |
Voyages Cilento, Photo of the month (Spi. spiralis) |
413 |
5293 |
Aug. 23 |
2 new pages (Op. appennina, Op. montis-gargani). New photos of A. coriophora (6), A. martrinii (1), A. morio (4), C. alpina (3), D. alpestris (3), D. fuchsii (1), D. insularis (1), D. maculata (2), D. romana (1), D. sambucina (5), D. savogiensis (1), E. leptochila (2), G. repens (2), G. conopsea (2), G. conopsea var. pyrenaica (1), G. lithopolitanica (8), G. rhellicani (2), L. ovata (3), N. lactea (1), N. tridentata (3), N. ustulata (2), O. aurelia (1), O. aveyronensis (4), O. aymoninii (1), O. bertolonii (2), O. biscutella (1), O. bombyliflora (1), O. celiensis (2), O. corsica (1), O. delforgei (1), O. ficalhoana (1), O. incubacea (3), O. parvimaculata (1), O. passionis (2), O. promontorii (6), O. sipotensis (1), O. speculum (4), O. splendida (6), O. langei (4), O. mascula (4), O. mascula var. ovalis (5), O. pauciflora (11), O. provincialis (2), O. qudripunctata (8), P. albida (1), Suisse 2020 (2) |
411 |
5251 |
May 23 |
Photo of the month (Op. promontorii) |
409 |
5177 |
Apr. 23 |
Photo of the month (Op. exaltata ssp. marzuola × tenthredinifera). New photo of Op. splendida (1), Op. marzuola, Op. tenthredinifera |
409 |
5177 |
Feb. 23 |
Photo of the month (Himantoglossum robertianum) |
409 |
5174 |
Jan. 23 |
Photo of the month (Ophrys sp.) |
409 |
5174 |
Dec. 22 |
Régions, Gruissan et le massif de La Clape : bécasseaux variables |
409 |
5174 |
Aug. 22 |
Voyages Portugal, Op. vernixia (new page), Op. algarvensis (new page), S. strictiflora (new page) |
409 |
5173 |
July 22 |
New photos of Epipogium aphyllum (1) |
404 |
5100 |
June 22 |
Photo of the month, new photos of Ophrys ligustica (new page), Op. dinarica (3), Op. santonica (3), Dac. elata (3), Dact. fuchsii (3), Dact. sambucina (2), Listera ovata (1), Ceph. damasonium (2), Ceph. longifolia (1), Pla. chlorantha (1), Gym. gabasiana (2), Gym. conopsea (3), Gym. pyrenaica (1), Dact. savogiensis (3), Ana. morio (2), Ana. laxiflora (1). Ana. coriophora (3), Op. aymoninii (3), Op. virescens (2), Cyp. calceolus (1) |
405 |
5129 |
May 22 |
New photos of Op. picta (2), Op. virescens (1), Op. catalaunica (9), Op. passionis (3), Op. subinsectifera (3), Or. provincialis (1), Or. mascula (1), Op. magniflora (2), Op. virescens (7), Or. purpurea (1), Op. picta (5), S. perez-chiscanoi (new page) |
404 |
5094 |
Apr. 22 |
Photo of the month (Ophrys vernixia). New photos of Op. speculum (4), Op. picta (3), Op. bombyliflora (1) |
403 |
5067 |
Mar. 22 |
Photo of the month (Ophrys ×castroviejoi). New photos of Op. marzuola (4), scolopax (1), delforgei (1), Regions / L'Escala (1), Op. forestieri (1), Op. delforgei (1), Ana. collina (9), Ana. papilionacea ssp. expansa (3). New page : Ophrys lucentina |
403 |
5062 |
Feb. 22 |
Photo of the month (Op. forestieri) |
402 |
5039 |
Dec. 21 |
Photo of the month (rosette H. robertianum). Regions / Gruissan et le massif de La Clape : 2 new photos |
402 |
5039 |
Nov. 21 |
Regions / Gruissan et le massif de La Clape : 1 new photo |
402 |
5037 |
Sept. 21 |
Photo of the month (Spi. spliralis) |
402 |
5036 |
Aug. 21 |
Regions / Aveyron page 2 : new photo (young monk vulture). New page : Ophrys querciphila. New photos of Epi. purpurata (4) |
402 |
5036 |
July 21 |
Photo of the month. New photos of Ch. alpina (2), Dact. alpestris (4), fuchsii (3), incarnata (1), Gym. buschmanniae (6), conopsea (1), corneliana (5), miniata (8), odoratissima (2), rhellicani (2), Mal. monophyllos (5), Pla. bifolia (1) |
401 |
5027 |
June 21 |
Photo of he month (Op. aegirtica). New photos of Epipactis palustris (6), Op. apifera (3), Op. picta (2), Op. aveyronensis (6), Op. santonica (1), Ser. cordigera (2), Or. militaris (1), Cor. trifida (4), Li. cordata (1) |
401 |
5000 |
May 21 |
Photo of the month (Dact. sambucina chusae). New photos of Op. fuciflora (3), Op. philippi (6), L. abortivum (1), A. coriophora (4), morio (2), Dac. sambucina (2), Op. aymoninii (1), Op. scolopax (2), Or. militaris (1), Or. mascula (3), Ser. vomeracea (1), Op. insectifera (1), Régions - Gruissan, massif de La Clape (2) |
401 |
4985 |
Apr. 21 |
Photo of the month (Op. aurelia × lutea). New photos of Ana. papilionacea ssp. expensa (1), Op. araneola (5), Op. bombyliflora (2), Op. passionis (1) Or. purpurea (1), Op. aurelia (4), Op. lutea ((1), Op. provincialis (2), Op. pseudoscolopax (5), Op. speculum (2) |
401 |
4974 |
Mar. 21 |
Photo of the month (Ophrys ×carquierannensis). New photos of Op lutea (2), Op. marzuola (1), Op. scolopax (1), Op. speculum (1), Op. tenthredinifera (1), Op. forestieri (1), Op. arachnitiformis (7), Op. forestieri (3), Op. massiliensis (1), Op. provincialis (2) |
401 |
4965 |
Feb. 21 |
Photo of the month (Ophrys ×eliasii), new photos of Himantoglossum robertianum |
401 |
4957 |
Jan. 21 |
Photo of the month (H. robertianum) |
401 |
4957 |
Dec. 20 |
Photo of the month (H. robertianum) |
401 |
4957 |
Oct. 20 |
Region / Gruissan : new video. Photo of the month (H. robertianum) |
401 |
4957 |
Aug. 20 |
Cypripedium calceolus : Video |
401 |
4957 |
July 20 |
Voyages / Suisse 2020. Photo of the month (x Dactylodenia berninaensis). New photos of Epi. leptochila (6), Goodyera repens (2), Dact. fuchsii (13), Dact. alpestris (5), Gym. rhellicani (7), Gym. rubra (1), Gym. conopsea (3), Gym. odoratissima (3), Pseu. albida (3), Her. monorchis (1), Coel. viride (3), Epi. atrorubens (1), Tr. globosa (1), Spiranthes aestivalis (5) |
401 |
4957 |
June 20 |
Photo of the month (Ana. x simorrensis). New photos of Dact. maculata (3), Gym. conopsea (1), Ana. fragrans (6), Epi. kleinii (3), Ana. palustris (2), Op. aveyronensis (2), Or. langei (1), L. cordata (1) |
398 |
4848 |
May 20 |
New photos of Ana. papilionacea expensa (3), Ana. coriophora (5), Ana. fragrans (2), Epi. microphylla (1), Op. apifera (1), Op. aranifera (1), Op. incubacea (1), Ser. vomeracea (4) |
398 |
4842 |
Apr. 20 |
Photo of the month (Or. purpurea), Op. aranifera (3 new photos), Op. speculum (1 new photo), Or. purpurea (3 new photos) |
398 |
4832 |
Mar. 20 |
Photo of the month (Op. forestieri x speculum), new photos of Op. forestieri and Op. exalata ssp. marzuola |
398 |
4826 |
Feb. 20 |
Photo of the month (Op. forestieri) |
398 |
4826 |
Jan. 20 |
Photo of the month (H. robertianum) |
398 |
4826 |
Dec. 19 |
Voyages / Australie 2018 |
398 |
4826 |
Nov. 19 |
Photo of the month (Op. apifera) |
392 |
4672 |
Sept. 19 |
Spi. spiralis (2 new photos and Photo of the month) |
392 |
4672 |
Aug. 19 |
Dact. incarnata ssp. cruenta (new page), Dact. majalis ssp. alpestris (new page), Pla. algeriensis (new page). New photos of C. viride (2), D. fuchsii (12), E. helleborine (3), E. purpurata (4), Epi. aphyllum (2), Gym. conopsea (11), Gym. corneliana (13), Gym. odoratissima (7), Gym. rhellicani (22), Gym. rubra (10), L. loeselii (3), Or. anthropophora (3), Or. purpurea (3), P. albida (9), T. globosa (6) |
392 |
4670 |
July 19 |
Photo of the month (Gym x suaveolens) |
389 |
4569 |
June 19 |
New photos of Ophrys aymoninii (5), Ser. lingua (1), Ser. cordigera (3). Photo of the month (Op. aveyronesis) |
389 |
4569 |
May 19 |
New photos of Ana. palustris (6), Ana. picta (1), Ana. pyramidalis (2), Op. apifera (1), Op. apulica (6), Op. araneola (4), Op. bertolonii (8), Op. candica (3), Op. celiensis (3), Op. classica (5), Op. incubacea (3), Op. lucana (2), Op. lutea (1), Op. neglecta (5), Op. passionis (3), Op. parvimaculata (7), Op. tardans (6), Op. vasconica (5), Or. italica (2), Or. mascula (5), Or. purpurea (5), Or. simia (5), Ser. bergonii (1), Ser. parviflora (1)Ser. vomeracea (3). Photo of the Month (Op. bertolonii x passionis) |
389 |
4555 |
Apr. 19 |
New photos of Op. scolopax (3), Op. bilunulata (1, Op. bombyliflora (1), Op. dyris (3), Op. tenthredinifera (1). Photo of the Month (Op. dyris) |
389 |
4482 |
Mar. 19 |
New photos of Op. forestieri (2), Op. exaltata marzuola (4), Op. massiliensis (3), Op. scolopax (2), Op. speculum (3). Photo of the Month (Himantoglossum robertianum) |
389 |
4476 |
Feb. 19 |
Photo of the Month (Himantoglossum robertianum), Régions / Plateau de Leucate : 1 new video |
389 |
4466 |
Jan. 19 |
Régions / Gruissan, Massif de La Clape : 1 new photo, 1 new video. Photo of the Month (Ophrys rosettes) |
389 |
4466 |
Dec. 18 |
Régions / Corbières : 2 new photos |
389 |
4466 |
Nov. 18 |
Régions / Plateau de Leucate : 3 new photos, 1 new video. Ser. gregaria : new page. New photos of Op. dinarica (3) |
389 |
4464 |
Oct. 18 |
Voyages / Islande 2017. New photos of Op. pseudoscolopax (14), Op. provincialis (9), Ser. neglecta (8), Op. vetula (9), Op. araneola (1) |
388 |
4454 |
Sept. 18 |
Photo of the month (Thelymitra variegata) |
385 |
4354 |
Aug. 18 |
Photo of the month (Epi. aphyllum). New photos of Epi. aphyllum (6) |
385 |
4354 |
July 18 |
New photos of Dact. savogiensis (3), Gym. austriaca (3), Gym. gabasiana (3). Photo of the month (Gym. gabasiana) |
385 |
4351 |
June 18 |
New photos of Ana. morio (2), Op. aurelia (8), Op. aegirtica (10), Dact. sambucina (8), Or. patens (8 ). Photo of the month (Op. aegirtica x apifera) |
385 |
4342 |
May 18 |
New photos of Ana. papilionacea ssp. expansa (4), Dac. incarnata (1), Op. aurelia (20), Op. araneola (1), lutea (9), passionis (7), splendida (13), vasconica (4), Or. purpurea (3), Or. simia (5), Pla. bifolia (1). Video of Ana. papilionacea ssp. expansa. Photo of the month (Or. patens) |
384 |
4317 |
Apr. 18 |
Photo of the month (Op. passionis x speculum). Ophrys speculum : 3 new photos. Ophrys lutea : 1 new photo |
384 |
4262 |
Mar. 18 |
Photo of the month (Op. speculum x tenthredinifera). New photos of Op. tenthredinifera (2), Op. speculum (2), Op. forestieri (1). Regions / Gruissan et le massif de La Clape : 2 new photos and video. |
384 |
4258 |
Feb. 18 |
Régions / Leucate, page 1: video of the plateau. Photo of the month (Himantoglossum robertianum) |
384 |
4251 |
Jan. 18 |
Photo of the month (Himantoglossum robertianum) |
384 |
4250 |
Dec. 17 |
Régions / Corbières |
384 |
4250 |
Nov. 17 |
Photo of the month (Himantoglossum robertianum) |
383 |
4206 |
Sept. 17 |
New page : Ophrys tardans. New photos of Ser. orientalis ssp. apulica (3), Ophrys magniflora (3), Op. sipotensis (10), Op. tarentina (8), Op. tenthredinifera ssp neglecta (10), Op. lutea (x picta), Op. parvimaculata (11), Op. passionis (2), Op. garganica (10), Op. promontorii (8), Op. archipelagi (10), Op. incubacea (2), Op. celiensis (11) |
383 |
4200 |
Aug. 17 |
Voyages / Pouilles 2017. New photos of Op. candica (6), Op. classica (7), Op. biscutella (14), Op. bombyliflora (5), Op. bertoloniiformis (12), Ana. morio (4), Ana. picta (4), Ana. papilionacea (6), Ana. pyramidalis (2), Dact. romana (10), Op. apulica (14), Op. bertolonii (7), P. albida (3). New page : Platanthera hyperborea. |
382 |
4143 |
July 17 |
Photo of the Month (Platanthera hyperborea). Dactylorhiza maculata: 3 new photos (Dact. islandica). Coeloglossum viride : 3 new photos (var. islandicum) |
378 |
3988 |
June 17 |
Photo of the Month (Gymnadenia gabasiana). New photos of G. austriaca (1), G. gabasiana : (6), P. albida (2), Dact. maculata (1), Op. apifera (1), Dact. elata (1), Cyp. calceolus (3) |
378 |
3982 |
May 17 |
Photo of the Month (Orchis militaris - lusus). New photos of Op. aveyronensis (5), Op. tenthredinifera ssp. ficalhoana (5), Op. castellana (1), Op. melena (2), Op. insectifera (2), Op. aymoninii (2), Op. lutea (2), Op. picta (2), Neo. ustulata (2), A. papilionacea ssp. expansa (5), A. pyramidalis (1), Or. militaris (1) |
378 |
3979 |
Apr. 17 |
Photo of the Month (Ophrys biscutella) |
378 |
3967 |
Mar. 17 |
Photo of the Month (Himantoglossum robertianum). New photos of H. robertianum (6), Region / Gruissan et le massif de La Clape, page 2 (8). |
378 |
3967 |
Feb. 17 |
Photo of the Month (Himantoglossum robertianum). New photos of Op. forestieri (1) and H. robertianum (1) |
378 |
3958 |
Jan. 17 |
Voyages / USA 2016 |
378 |
3958 |
Oct. 16 |
Ophrys apifera : 1 new photo. Ophrys speculum : 2 new photos. Ophrys magniflora : 3 new photos. Ophrys corbariensis : 3 new photos |
374 |
3887 |
Sept. 16 |
Regions / Plateau de Leucate, page 1 : 1 new photos, |
374 |
3879 |
Aug. 16 |
New photos of : Ana. champagneuxii (3), Ana. fragrans (1), Ana. morio (3), Ana. pyramidalis (3), Cyp. fasciculatum (new page), Neo commutata (2), Neo. ustulata (4), Goodyera (1), Op. aegirtica (1), Op. araneola (4), Op. aranifera (6), Op. aymoninii (2), Op. bertolonii (5), Op. biancae (9), Op. bilunulata (3), Op. calliantha (9), Op. castellana (3), Op. drumana (20) Op. ficalhoana (4), Op. fuciflora (19), Op. insectifera (2), Op. lacaitae (4), Op. oxyrrhynchos (11), Op. passionis (2), Op. riojana (2), Op. speculum (4), Op. vasconica (1), Or. mascula (3), Or. italica (3), Or. langei (2), Or. pallens (5), Or. provincialis (3), Or. purpurea (1), Or. Spitzelii (4), Pip. unalascensis (3), Ser. cordigera (2), Ser. lingua (3), Ser. vomeracea (2), Spi. diluvialis (new page), Spi. romanzoffiana (2). Sommaire Régions : Photos and texts extented to 900px width |
374 |
3879 |
July 16 |
Voyages / Sicile 2016. New photos of Pla. dilatata (2) |
372 |
3755 |
June 16 |
New photos of Op. apifera (5), Op. archimedea (9), Op. aveyronensis (4), Op. laurensis (5), Op. lunulata (6), Op. lutea (2), Op. mirabilis (5), Op. obaesa (7), Op. pailda (8), Op. grandiflora (5), Or. anthropophora (3), Or. italica (3), Pla. bifolia (1), Ser. oriantalis (5), Regions / Aveyron, page 1 (4) |
369 |
3679 |
May 16 |
Photo of the Month (Ophrys oxyrrhynchos, Ophrys aveyronensis x lutea), new photos (Op. apifera x speculum) |
369 |
3631 |
Apr. 16 |
Photo of the Month (Ophrys arachnitiformis x tenthredinifera) |
369 |
3629 |
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... |
... |
01.04.13 |
Deployment and Go Live |
220 |
2500 |